First There: Combat Control (CCT)

Air Force Special Operations Combat Controllers go through extensive training to become experts in everything from weapons and demolition to communication and air traffic control to undertake combat and humanitarian missions all over the world.

Contact TSgt Dunham


Interested in learning more about special warfare? Contact TSgt Kevin Dunham, recruiter for the 330th USAF AETC RCS.

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Humanitarian Relief


From food, water and medical supplies to heavy equipment, Airmen are responsible for securely packing cargo so that it can be transported safely to anywhere in the world.

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The First Airmen in Haiti


This story tells how, in the wake of a 7.0 earthquake that devastated Haiti, a small Air Force team flew in and quickly created a makeshift control tower.

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Combat Controllers Crucial to Haiti


Combat controllers are used to working in locations devoid of functioning air traffic control. Armed and trained to set up and help secure new airfield operations, these Airmen have made aerial resupply missions to Port-au-Prince International Airport possible.

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First Airmen in Afghanistan


In October 2001, the first Airman stepped foot into Afghanistan with the mission to topple the Taliban.

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The Great Equalizer


Combat controllers (CCTs) are the Air Force’s most highly trained Airmen. This is a taste of how they train.

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Enhancing Performance Under Stress


Effective performance as a CCT requires the ability to cope with severe stress to ensure that
the mission succeeds. In this study, RAND Corporation discovered that individuals can develop the skills necessary to handle varying levels of stress in the future.

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Special Tactics Training


Advanced Skills Training (AST) is a twelve-month program for newly assigned STS operators.

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The Art of the Jump


The three-week course, which sees about 14,000 trainees a year, is mostly filled with recruits right out of basic training or AIT who want to be paratroopers, Army Rangers or other special operations forces across the Defense Department.

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SERE Training


Whether it’s in the desert, the arctic, at sea, in the jungle or as a prisoner of war, Airmen are prepared for any situation. And it’s the Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) specialists who train them.

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Air Traffic Control


The lives of those in the air heavily depend on Airmen on the ground. Responsible for managing the flow of aircraft through all aspects of their flight, Air Traffic Control specialists ensure the safety and efficiency of air traffic on the ground and in the air.

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Train to Succeed


Before you can join Air Force Special Warfare, you must pass the Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST). Train for this rigorous physical test with these workout guidelines from the U.S.A.F.

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Profile of a Combat Controller


Ssgt Jacob Poulliot grew up near San Antonio as part of an Air Force family. He went to Lackland Air Force Base regularly and watched combat controllers in training. He knew it was going to be the job for him.

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Combat Controller Training


Combat controllers set up air traffic control and perform close air support in remote locations. And it takes some time to groom them — more than 24 months from start to finish.

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The "Under the Radar" Specialists


The almost forgotten member of the Special Operations Forces fraternity are the USAF’s Combat Controllers.

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What Makes a Combat Controller So Deadly?


The teams that have completed some of America's most stunning special operations included a few airmen who are often overlooked when it comes time to glorify the heroes: Combat Controller Teams.

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Combat Controller Fact Sheet


Air Force Special Operations Command's combat controllers are battlefield Airmen assigned to special tactics squadrons. They are trained special operations forces and certified FAA air traffic controllers.

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Combat Controller (CCT)


Some of the military’s most difficult missions are carried out by Combat Controller (CCT) specialists who operate in remote, often hostile areas.

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USAF Special Warfare


The Airmen who make up Air Force Special Warfare are the most specialized warriors on the planet. They are the ones other special forces look to when the mission calls for their unique skills and fearless commitment.

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Contact TSgt Dunham


Interested in learning more about special warfare? Contact TSgt Kevin Dunham, recruiter for the 330th USAF AETC RCS.

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Humanitarian Relief


From food, water and medical supplies to heavy equipment, Airmen are responsible for securely packing cargo so that it can be transported safely to anywhere in the world.

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The First Airmen in Haiti


This story tells how, in the wake of a 7.0 earthquake that devastated Haiti, a small Air Force team flew in and quickly created a makeshift control tower.

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Combat Controllers Crucial to Haiti


Combat controllers are used to working in locations devoid of functioning air traffic control. Armed and trained to set up and help secure new airfield operations, these Airmen have made aerial resupply missions to Port-au-Prince International Airport possible.

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First Airmen in Afghanistan


In October 2001, the first Airman stepped foot into Afghanistan with the mission to topple the Taliban.

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The Great Equalizer


Combat controllers (CCTs) are the Air Force’s most highly trained Airmen. This is a taste of how they train.

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Enhancing Performance Under Stress


Effective performance as a CCT requires the ability to cope with severe stress to ensure that
the mission succeeds. In this study, RAND Corporation discovered that individuals can develop the skills necessary to handle varying levels of stress in the future.

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Special Tactics Training


Advanced Skills Training (AST) is a twelve-month program for newly assigned STS operators.

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The Art of the Jump


The three-week course, which sees about 14,000 trainees a year, is mostly filled with recruits right out of basic training or AIT who want to be paratroopers, Army Rangers or other special operations forces across the Defense Department.

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SERE Training


Whether it’s in the desert, the arctic, at sea, in the jungle or as a prisoner of war, Airmen are prepared for any situation. And it’s the Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) specialists who train them.

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Air Traffic Control


The lives of those in the air heavily depend on Airmen on the ground. Responsible for managing the flow of aircraft through all aspects of their flight, Air Traffic Control specialists ensure the safety and efficiency of air traffic on the ground and in the air.

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Train to Succeed


Before you can join Air Force Special Warfare, you must pass the Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST). Train for this rigorous physical test with these workout guidelines from the U.S.A.F.

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Profile of a Combat Controller


Ssgt Jacob Poulliot grew up near San Antonio as part of an Air Force family. He went to Lackland Air Force Base regularly and watched combat controllers in training. He knew it was going to be the job for him.

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Combat Controller Training


Combat controllers set up air traffic control and perform close air support in remote locations. And it takes some time to groom them — more than 24 months from start to finish.

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The "Under the Radar" Specialists


The almost forgotten member of the Special Operations Forces fraternity are the USAF’s Combat Controllers.

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What Makes a Combat Controller So Deadly?


The teams that have completed some of America's most stunning special operations included a few airmen who are often overlooked when it comes time to glorify the heroes: Combat Controller Teams.

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Combat Controller Fact Sheet


Air Force Special Operations Command's combat controllers are battlefield Airmen assigned to special tactics squadrons. They are trained special operations forces and certified FAA air traffic controllers.

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Combat Controller (CCT)


Some of the military’s most difficult missions are carried out by Combat Controller (CCT) specialists who operate in remote, often hostile areas.

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USAF Special Warfare


The Airmen who make up Air Force Special Warfare are the most specialized warriors on the planet. They are the ones other special forces look to when the mission calls for their unique skills and fearless commitment.

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